Branch of water for irrigation purposes from the river Adda Lot 3 (Filago – Osio)
Construction of hydraulic branch channel with a capacity of 12 m³ / sec and overall length of 2.500 lm divided into the following trunks:
– Surface canal with structure in reinforced concrete for a length of 1.400 lm
– Section in trap made with steel pipes Ø 2.400 and 3.400 in length of 300 lm, 110 lm of which constituting the trap canal bridge over the river Brembo with a central span of 60 lm
– Pressuirised canal built in reinforced concrete cast on the job and internal diameter of Ø 3.400 for a length of 800 lm
– Structure for dividing capacities with control sluice gates
– Steel pipes Ø 2.100 for discharging into the river Brembo with a length of 200 lm
– Building for use as guard-house and offices